Modular Multi-level Converter(MMC) Real-time simulation Modular Multi-level Converter(MMC) Real-time simulation
Modular Multi-level Converter(MMC) Real-time simulation

MMC, known as modular multi-level converter, is widely used in distributed energy grid connection, urban power supply, isolated island system power supply, back-to-back AC grid project, offshore wind power grid connection and other application scenarios.
As MMC has the advantages of small loss of DC transmission line, no grid synchronisation problem, changing the current direction without changing the voltage polarity, and independent control of active/reactive power, it has been put into use in many application projects. However, MMC system usually has high voltage level, large power capacity, many cascaded sub-modules, many switches, etc., based on the characteristics of the physical platform testing high cost, long cycle, high risk factor, engineering complexity.

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Shanghai University of Electric Power

Associate Professor Yang Xingwu's research team at Shanghai University of Electric Power has proposed a new two-stage model predictive control method to reduce computation and increase the output voltage level to 2N+1. The discrete-time mathematical model of modular multilevel controller was first derived, and two circulating factors were introduced to directly calculate the optimal voltage difference and sum of the bridge arm, so as to determine the optimal number of submodules for upper and lower bridge arms in the first-stage control. In the second-stage control, based on the optimal number of submodules determined in the first-stage control, upper and lower bridge arms were adjusted by adding or subtracting one submodule, forming an array of optimization options that were then put into the objective function to select the submodule with the lowest objective function value for investment, thereby determining the final investment in MMC. Both first-stage control and second-stage control avoided the selection of weight factors. Finally, the RSF algorithm was applied to control the submodule capacitor voltage and reduce the switching frequency. The research used the StarSim real-time simulator for power electronics with small time steps provided by ModelingTech to experimentally verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, and the results were summarized and published in : Yang X, Liu H, Mi Y, Ji L, Wang Y, Fu Y. An improved two-stage model predictive control method for modular multilevel converter. IET Electr. Power Appl. 2021;1–12.

Shanghai University of Electric Power
System Schemes

MT 8020 is used to simulate Modular Multi-level Converter(MMC). The simulator can simulate six bridge arms of a single-ended MMC system, and each bridge arm supports up to 512 cascaded modules, which run on the FPGA of the simulator with 1 μs timestep. By this way the simulator can accurately simulate the operating characteristics of the MMC. The MMC controller, MT 2016 protocol converter and the simulator  interact  data  information  through  optical  fiber,  and  the  grid   voltage, current  and  other  network  information  are  sampled  through  the  physical IO interface, thus realizing complete HIL simulation construction of the MMC.

System Schemes
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Technical Features
Superb FPGA Simulation Capability
Superb FPGA Simulation Capability

Equipped with Xilinx KU115 FPGA, simulate MMC topology on FPGA with 1μs timestep.

Powerful device parallel expansion capability
Powerful device parallel expansion capability

Equipped with Xilinx KU115 FPGA, simulate MMC topology on FPGA with 1μs timestep.

Professional Aurora fiber optic communication
Professional Aurora fiber optic communication

Industrial common Aurora protocol, support high-speed transmission of MMC module voltage, PWM signals and other information.

Testing Item
  • 01Research on new control/ modulation strategies
  • 02Simulation of high-voltage flexible DC transmission system
  • 03Simulation of AC-side faults/DC-side faults in HVDC transmission
Research on new control/ modulation strategies
Research on new control/ modulation strategies
Simulation of high-voltage flexible DC transmission system
Simulation of high-voltage flexible DC transmission system
Simulation of AC-side faults/DC-side faults in HVDC transmission
Simulation of AC-side faults/DC-side faults in HVDC transmission
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